AMS Modules and Features
Links to the various modules are under the various menus as follows:
- AMS Main Module (admissions, planning, exams, finance): AMS Main System
- AMS Lecturers’ Module: Academic -> AMS Lecturers’ Module
- AMS Students’ Module: Students -> AMS Students’ Module
- AMS Mentoring Modules: Admin -> Student Mentoring Module
Users’ login credentials are tied to their Strathmore domain credentials.
AMS Modules and Features
AMS is functionally divided into modules which loosely fit the various academic functions within the university. These include:
- Admissions module
- Planning and Academic module
- Finance module
- Examinations module
- Mentoring module
- Lecturer module
- Students’ module
Admissions Module
The admissions module is the entry point of all students into the university. The module is used by the
admissions office staff and it consists of the following functions:
1. Maintenance of all applicants’ data
This includes:
- Applicants’ personal details (names, previous school, addresses, contacts etc.)
- Applicants’ academic record (KCSE mean grade, other qualifications etc.)
- Applicants’ photos (which can be uploaded from the system)
- Next of kin details (Father/mother/spouse/guardian)
2. Entrance exam results
All applicants are required to take an entrance exam which consists of an english, mathematics and oral component. The results of each of these are recorded in AMS.
3. Maintaining all applications for admission
Applications for admission are entered in the system by the admissions staff. The respective faculty then proceeds to do the selections and admit the students into their respective schools/faculty. A unique student number is generated by the system at the point of admission. Rejected applications are also recorded in the system.
4. Enrolling students
On the set reporting day, students report to the admissions office with all the required documentation. They are then enrolled into their respective class.
The admissions module has various reports which include (but not limited to):
- A listing of all applicants for each academic year. Can be filtered by status (admitted, rejected or
pending). - Listing of enrolled students for each intake
- Listing of foreign students
- Admitted students who have paid
A comprehensive search function exists for all applicants, whether admitted or not.
Planning and Academic Module
The planning module is the central point of operation for the faculty staff. The academic records of students are maintained from this module (for both degree and modular courses). Faculty staff members are limited to accessing the records of students in their faculty only.
The functions in this module include:
- Admission of students into the faculty
- Enrolling of students into an academic year/ enrollment period (matriculation).
- Availing of units for registration. This involves creation of the class groups and assigning lecturers to them.
- Creation of self-registration appointments for students.
Appointments determine the period in which students can register themselves for units in the students’ module. Appointments are usually given for the first three weeks of the semester. - Registration of students for units.
Faculty staff can register students for units. This is especially useful for new students who may not be familiar with university processes. - Formalization of registration
The formalization process raises invoices in the student’s fee statement for the units registered. Other charges may also be raised. - Maintenance of students’ academic records
Students can be moved from one course to another. It also involves changing the status of academic files, for example when a student goes on academic leave or drops out. - Maintenance of courses and subjects
The structure of all courses is maintained in the module. This includes the years/sections in the course, the units in the syllabi together with the economic credits of each unit.
The reports that are available in the module include:
- Class lists: these can be downloaded per student year or per subject group.
- Class attendance reports (for each student or per class group)
- Access to students’ fee statement
- Debtors report for each course
- Access to result slips and transcripts.
- Access to student coursework marks
- Download of exam cards. The system automatically disqualifies students with a fee balance above a certain amount.
- Access to all admissions reports
Finance Module
Finance staff can do the following:
- Raise invoices on student statements.
- Raise debit notes
- Raise credit notes and transfer credits
- Reversal of receipts
- Entering fee payments (cash, cheques, bank transfers etc.)
- Bank imports.
- Fee payments that are made at the bank can be uploaded in bulk from a Microsoft excel sheet.
- Maintaining tariffs
- Tariffs are assigned to students and they determine how much a student is invoiced for each unitregistered.
The reports available in this module include:
- Students’ fee statement
- Debtors for each course
- Debtors ageing report
- Listing of all invoices raised for a particular date range
- Listing of all receipts raised for a particular date range
- Cashiers collections – per day and per individual cashier
Examinations module
All examination office functions are maintained by this module. Functions include:
- Closing of lecturers’ mark sheets after the marking period. Lecturers cannot modify the marks or
attendance records for the specific groups after this operation. - Recording of marks as approved by the external examiners and faculty/academic council board
meetings. - Generation of final mark sheets for each subject.
- Publishing of results. This enables students to view their marks from the students’ module.
- Adjusting of marks after appeal.
- Closing of final mark sheets, which prevent any further changes from taking place.
- Maintenance of grading rules for each course
Exams staff can access various reports including:
- Coursework and exam marks for each class group
- Class attendance reports.
- Examination registers. Students who do not meet the minimum class attendance requirements or have fee balances are automatically disqualified by the system.
- Transcripts and result slips
- Consolidated mark sheets, which are used in the examination board meetings.
- List of pending units i.e. students who have failed units but are yet to do a re-take or repeat.
- Deans’ list: this is a listing of students with a mean grade of ‘A’ for the academic year.
- Graduation list
- An audit trail of all changes to final mark sheets.
Mentoring Module
The mentoring module is divided into two components: the mentoring directors’ module and the mentoring module.
The mentoring directors’ module is mainly used for adding new mentors and assigning students to them. Any lecturer or administrative staff can be added as a mentor.
Mentors use the module to record the number of sessions they have had with the students on a monthly basis. They also have access to their mentees’ records including:
- The students’ personal details
- The coursework and exam results
- Class attendance records
The same information can be accessed by the mentoring director(s) for all mentees.
Lecturer Module
Lecturers can access their class groups as soon as they are assigned to them by their faculty.
The lecturers’ role is limited to two main functions: maintaining coursework marks and entering of attendance records. The lecturer has an option of creating up-to 15 coursework items which can include CATs, assignments, projects and group-work. Weights are attached to each coursework item and overall marks are automatically computed by the system.
Attendance records are maintained for each class, where the lecturer ticks the students who were absent for each session. The reports that are available include:
- Class registers, which can be used for taking attendance.
- Attendance summary
- Coursework report, with grading statistics
- Students’ personal data, including photos
Students Module
Students can use AMS to view the progress of their academic record. Coursework marks are available as soon as they are entered by the lecturer, while examination marks are available as soon as they are published by the exams office.
Fee statements are also updated in real time.
Self-registration of units is done by appointment. The tuition fee invoices are however raised by the faculty when formalization is done.
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